Traders and businessmen spend huge sums of money importing sickness into the country.They import cooking oil which contain fats that can never digest in the human digestive system.
Our human blood has over 75% of it being water, and we know from our basic scientific knowledge that, oil can never dissolve in water so when this oil gets into our blood stream, the particles are suspended.These suspended oil particles pile up to form a plaque which blocks the arteries preventing the inflow and outflow of blood to the heart. This defect results in many of the cardiovascular diseases we know today.
In the early 70s and in the 80s, the only oil found in home was palm oil and coconut oil. Cooking oils like frytol was used on occasions. But today, it is taken everyday in our homes yet we still can't identify what is killing us.
*An average ghanian eats fruit once in every two months which is very bad. Fruits are to be taken on daily basis.
*also an average Ghanaian drinks water only when he is thirsty but we must drink water even when we are not thirsty throughout the day even if it is sipping water at regular intervals.
*Some Ghanaians do not exercise but eats everyday.
They also take drugs to cure diseases which was acquired through a reckless lifestyle. Drugs cannot cure those diseases, only a change in lifestyle can cure those diseases.
We reboot or format our phones and computers when malwares like viruses invade them but do we think about what we take into our bodies? Most of them are more than viruses.
Do we take time to overhaul our bodies.
Most Christians avoid fasting when their church organises a fast but they don't know what they are missing. Fasting is the only method of overhauling our bodies.
Take note of these
1.Drink water before you go to bed
2.Drink water before taking your bath, it lowers blood pressure
3. Drink water first thing in the morning
4. Consume 4 sachets of water each day
5. Reduce or avoid the intake of white bread
6. Reduce or avoid white rice
7. Avoid red meat
8. Go for medical check-ups at the beginning and at the end of every year.
9. Fast as much as you can with counselling from christian doctors guiding you or knowledgeable men of God who are in a positon to guide you.
10. Exercise regularly Make a very good decision about your health and your body this year.
11. Reduce or avoid salt intake
12. Reduce or avoid sugar intake
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